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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

English Courses


Enrolment & Payment

Flights & Travel

12 reasons to Study at Killarney School of English



Afternoon Activities


Do you have Afternoon Activities – Social Programme?

Yes, we have separate afternoon activities / social programmes for children 3-12, teenagers and adults.


Does the School Office arrange Saturday Day Trips – excursions?

Yes, there are trips to places of interest outside Killarney. We offer two options one for Teenagers and the other for adults & children. Excursions usually last from 09.30 to 17.00.


Do I have to take part in the activities?

No. Activities are a separate course which you can combine with your English course if you wish.


Can I choose 1 or 2 afternoon activities?

If you wish you can book GE1 (morning classes only) and then select individual afternoon activities or the Saturday day trip. We will send you a copy of the proposed activity timetable. Each Monday we post the week’s activities on the school notice boards. You can book the activities with Reception. Prices vary for each activity from €15-30


Do you have an APP?

Yes we do. It is available at Google PlayStore and Apple App Store (search for KSOE) When you download, please click on PRIVATES for all your information. This will have your Airport pick up details, accommodation information, school bus times, English course and afternoon activity information.