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We want you to enjoy your course with us here at Killarney School of English, and we want you to get the most out of your classes and your time in Ireland. It is important that all students follow the class rules in order to ensure a happy and calm learning environment.




  • English is the language of the classroom. You must try to speak English at all times. This will help you to improve quickly during your course. Students who do not make an effort to speak the course language will receive a formal warning; if the behaviour continues and no improvement or effort is made, the student may be asked to leave the course.



  • You may not come late to class. If you come to class more than 15 minutes late, you will not be allowed to enter. You must wait until the break. You cannot have attendance for a class if you leave early.
  • You can only have attendance for the classes you attend. You must come to school every school day. If you cannot come to school, you must contact the Director of Studies at 0035387-6177825 to explain why.



Classroom behaviour

  • You must behave politely at all times to your teacher and the other students, and you are entitled to expect them to behave politely to you. As with any school, abusive language, theft, vandalism, illegal activity, violence of any kind or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated. Student should obey the directions of school management and staff.
  • Killarney School of English acknowledges bullying as a category of abuse. Bullying of any kind is not acceptable. If bullying does occur, students, staff, parents and/or guardians should know that incidents will be reported and dealt with promptly. Incidents will be reported to the School Supervisor and the Director of Studies at Killarney School of English and will be dealt with immediately. Sanctions for bullying may include suspension and in extreme cases, removal from the course.
  • Keep the classroom tidy. Please put your rubbish in the bin. The classroom is your learning environment and you should look after it.


In addition to the general rules of behaviour, students:

  • May not leave Killarney School of English site without permission and unaccompanied by school staff.
  • May not bring knives, weapons, lighters or flammable materials of any kind to the school.
  • May not damage, deface or interfere with any furniture, fixtures or fittings in the school



Alcohol, Smoking, Drugs

  • Killarney School of English is a strictly non-smoking campus. Smoking in any public building or school is not permitted in Ireland. Smoking is not allowed in or near the host family homes.
  • Possession or use of alcohol, cigarettes, e-cigarettes and drugs of any kind (other than permitted prescription medication) is strictly forbidden. Students should let the School Supervisor know if they are taking prescription medication.
  • Students found in possession of and/or using these substances will be dismissed without refund from the school. Even if some parents allow smoking and or limited drinking for older teenagers in their own home, Killarney School of English cannot make exceptions to this rule.



If a student repeatedly refuses to follow these rules of behaviour he/she may be dismissed from the course without refund. Killarney School of English reserves the right to expel students from the school for any reason including, but not limited to

  • Disregard for our guidelines in the school or host family,
  • Damaging property
  • Unruly rude or disturbing behaviour
  • Consistent lateness or unexplained absence from classes
  • Bullying or violence towards another student, teacher, or member of staff
  • Use of any banned or illegal substances
  • Bringing alcohol or illegal substances onto the school premises
  • Bringing alcohol into the host family without permission from the host family
  • Non-disclosure of any prior medical or psychological condition
  • Bringing overnight guests into the host family’s residence without permission
  • Theft ,or any violation of the law while attending the school


Any student expelled for any reason must be collected by the parent/guardian. The return transport home of an expelled student is not the responsibility of Killarney School of English. Full or partial refunds will not be given for course fees in the case of expulsion from the school.


Mobile Phones and Social Media

  • During your class, you are not allowed to use your phone unless the teacher has given you permission, e.g. to use as a dictionary. You should not use Facebook, What’s App or any social media in class, unless instructed to do so by your teacher.
  • The School has official photographers/videographers to document the study and activities and, take group photos etc. Participants who do not wish to have their image or video used for the promotion of Killarney School of English must make this known to the school on their application form.
  • If you have taken photos/video during the week, please obtain the permission of those in your photographs if you wish to publish them online or on other media. It is illegal to record other students without their permission.
  • Students cannot leave the class to take calls unless in case of emergency.


You are giving KSOE permission if necessary

  • To  bring your child to the G.P.
  • To bring your child to Southdoc (Out of hours medical centre)
  • To bring your child to hospital


If your child requires hospital stay for more than one day or stay at home in a host family for more than three days , this becomes parents responsibility and you agree to come to Ireland to take care of your child.


Legal Notice

  • Killarney School of English does not assume responsibility for loss, delay or accident of any kind whatsoever that may occur due to fault or negligence of any company.
  • The School reserves the right to cancel any arrangements or bookings without prior notice if payment conditions are not met.
  • The School reserves the right to change without notice the contents, dates, times or any other details of the course/s brought about by political events, natural disasters, weather or any other events considered by the to be pertinent.
  • Killarney School of English gives notice that all arrangements for transport, activities or for accommodation are made by Killarney School of English as an agent upon the express condition that they shall not be liable for any injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity which may be occasioned either by reason of any defect in any vehicle or through the acts of default of any company or persons engaged in conveying the passenger, or in carrying out the arrangements of the programmes, or otherwise in connection therewith or of any family member. No responsibility is accepted for losses or additional expenses due to delays or changes in air, sea, rail, bus or other services, sickness, weather, war, quarantine, strikes or other liability