Children’s Afternoon Activities – Social Programme
What are the Activites?
These activities tend to be more fun-educational in focus. They include nature trails, outdoor games, arts and crafts, drama, traditional music and Irish dancing lessons. . In addition there are visits to pet farms and traditional farms and a fabulous visit to Ross Castle with a boat trip to Inisfallen Island.
Where are the afternoon activities?
Some activites take palce at the school, some activities take place opposite the school in Killarney National Park
And some activites require our school bus iot take chilrden.
Who supervises the afternoon activities?
The majority of these activities have been specifically selected because they are task-based and require instruction through the medium of English. This means that the learning of English continues all through the afternoon conducted and coordinated by qualified EFL teachers.
See Youtube Playlist of Children’s activities
2020 Provisional Children’s Activity Programme Summer 2020 (1)