- Policy Statement
A1. Context
The Killarney School of English (KSOE) welcomes students to our school in Killarney, Kerry all year round. Many of our learners during the Easter and Summer period are under18 years of age. This would include those who attend our children’s school (3 – 12 years old) and those in our teenage school (13-17 years old) . We recognise that we have a fundamental duty of care to all students. We also recognise the additional duty of care for all under 18’s. This safeguarding policy represents our belief that it is always unacceptable for a child or young person to experience abuse of any kind and it is the responsibility of all adults in contact with young people to safeguard their welfare.
A2. Terminology
- Safeguarding: caring for children appropriately and protecting them from that which is not in their best interests.
- Child Protection: Protecting children (under 18 years) from abuse.
- Abuse: all forms of physical and/or emotional ill treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival,
development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power.
- All adults: Refers to all adults who are working with children (including teachers, group leaders and homestay host families).
- DLP / – Designated OR Deputy Liaison Person: On site member/s of staff responsible for day to day child welfare concerns.
A3. U18’s entitlement
We recognise that:
- The welfare of the child / young person is paramount.
- All children, have the right to protection from all types of harm or abuse.
- Working in partnership with students, their parents, homestay providers, agencies, leaders, teachers and all staff is how we should provide for the welfare of all under 18’s.
A4. Adult’s responsibilities
This policy applies to all KSOE staff including directly employed staff, homestay hosts, accommodation and transport providers and anyone working on behalf of the KSOE. All adults are expected to read and abide by the policy and procedures set out in this document.
A5. The purpose of the policy:
- To provide protection for under 18s .
- To provide staff with guidance on procedures they should adopt if they suspect a child or young person may be experiencing, or be at risk of harm.
We seek to safeguard under 18s by:
- Listening to and respecting them
- Adopting child protection guidelines through procedures and a code of conduct for all adults
- Recruiting homestay providers safely, ensuring Garda Vetting Checks are completed.
- Recruiting teachers safely and ensuring Garda Vetting Checks are completed.
- Sharing information about child protection and good practice with all.
- Sharing information about concerns with relevant agencies and involving parents of under 18s appropriately.
- Providing effective staff management, through recruitment policies, supervision, support, training and Garda Vetting.
- Requiring the parents of all students under the age of 18 years (attending our regular courses) to complete a student agreement & consent form before arrival.
- Informing group leaders of our policies, rules & regulations and requiring them to act in loco parentis.
A6. Policy review
We will ensure that this policy is communicated and understood and that there are sufficient resources available for its implementation. Details of the DLP contacts will be displayed at our centres. Policy and procedures will be reviewed regularly by the DLP and the directors of the company.
A7. Designated Persons:
Horner School has appointed two liaison persons (Deputy & Designated), whose role it is to oversee the standards and practices for the school. They are responsible for the implementation of all procedures as laid out in this document. Their contact details are made known to all staff and students and are also available on the website.
A8. Policy Availability & Formats
KSOE safeguarding policy is available on the KSOE website, with a hard copy also available at the school office & in the Staff Room.
- Code of Conduct
B1. Setting Standards:
The key elements of our code of conduct are interaction, intoxicants, accommodation and transport. We expect all adults working on behalf of KSOE to act as role models for all students in their care and to cultivate a respectful, safe and secure environment for all.
B2. Interaction:
- Maintain professional physical and relationship boundaries, and act in a way appropriate to your role within the organisation.
- Never make suggestive or inappropriate remarks to or about any adult or U18. Inappropriate remarks include innuendo, swearing and discussing their or your own intimate relationships.
- Do not engage in behaviour that may be construed as ‘grooming’ an U18 for example giving money, presents or favours or talking or behaving in an inappropriate or unprofessional manner.
- Avoid putting yourself in a situation where you are on your own with an under 18 as far as possible.
- Conduct all interactions in a calm manner, and avoid shouting at U18s unless there is a Health and Safety risk.
- Ensure physical contact within clear boundaries to avoid any allegations of inappropriate touching.
- If you are required to be in a one-to-one setting with an U18, consider how this can be managed effectively ie. Leaving a door open, using a room that has a window in the door, positioning yourself within sight of the door and considering if the one-to-one setting is really necessary.
- Do not socialise with U18 students outside of school organised events.
B3. Alcohol, drugs and smoking
- Do not consume, or allow U18s to consume any alcohol, drugs, cigarettes or intoxicating substances.
- Do not provide alcohol, drugs, cigarettes or intoxicating substances to U18s.
B4. IT and social networks
- Do not share your personal social media details with any under 18s
- Do not take any images or videos of under 18s on your personal recording equipment
B5. Accommodation
- Abide by all accommodation rules.
- Do not enter private areas without first gaining the student’s permission, or in the case of needing to search property, without informing them first and doing so in their presence.
B6. Transport
- All transport providers, whether staff or contractors, to have appropriate suitability checks
- Contact Details & How to Report a Concern
C1. DLP Killarney School Of English
Designated Liaison Person: Ms. Nicola Bradwell 0876418158
Deputy DLP: Ms Sheena Murphy, 0871902593
In the unlikely event that these officers are unavailable, the school emergency phone is in use from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday +353 64663660
C2. How to respond to concerns
Scenarios which may cause an adult to have safeguarding concerns about an U18 are:
- An U18 tells an adult they are worried about another U18.
- An U18 tells an adult of an issue that concerns themselves.
- Anyone from outside the Horner School reports a potential issue.
- An adult witnesses behaviours of another adult which cause concern.
- An adult sees in an U18 non-verbal indications of safeguarding concerns.
In the event of any one of the above, adults should:
- Follow the Guidelines outlined in C3 (see below).
- Report immediately to the DLP or Deputy DLP.
- Explain your concerns and the reasons behind them.
- The DLP or Deputy DLP will advise you on the next step.
C3. How to respond to a child or young adult telling you about abuse
When someone talks to you about alleged abuse, remember you are not investigating the situation, just listening. If a child discloses abuse, remember that this may be the beginning of a legal process, as well as of a process of recovery for the child. Legal action against a perpetrator can be seriously damaged by any suggestion that the child’s words have been influenced in any way by the person they initially reported the incident/s to.
The following guidance should be followed as far as possible:
- Rather than directly questioning the child, just listen and be supportive.
- Never stop a child who is freely recalling significant events, but don’t push the child to tell you more than they wish.
- Do not promise to keep the information a secret. Rather you must inform the child that you will have to share this with the person responsible for their safety.
- You may wish to ask a senior member of staff to join you to provide additional support, backup & verification of the conversation.
- Write an account of the conversation immediately afterwards, as close to verbatim as possible. Make a note of what they actually said, using his or her own words and phrases.
- Describe the circumstance in which the disclosure came about.
- Where physical harm is being reported use a body map to indicate the location of cuts, bruises and abrasions, noting the colour of any bruising.
- Hand your record to the DLP or Deputy DLP, who will contact the local children’s social care office where appropriate.
C4. Keeping Records
- All serious concerns communicated to the DLP or Deputy DLP will be responded to as quickly as possible.
- All information regarding allegations of abuse or safeguarding concerns will be filed securely by the DLP or Deputy. Information will be shared on a “Need to Know Basis Only”
- Access to the safeguarding file will only be available to the DLP and Deputy DLP and any official outside agency as appropriate.
- A summary of the allegation, details of how the allegation was followed up and resolved, and a note of any action taken and decisions reached, will be noted on the person’s confidential personnel file. The purpose of the record is to enable accurate information to be given in response to any future request for a reference, where appropriate. It may also be considered if future allegations are made.
- Details of allegations that are found to have been malicious will be removed from a staff members personnel file .
C5. If a staff member is accused
The DLP/DDLP will then work with the Appropriate Social Work Department for advice on appropriate actions to take to ensure the safety of the child.
C6. If an under 18 student or adult student is accused
The DLP/DDLP will work with the Appropriate Social Work Department for advice on appropriate actions to take to ensure the safety of the child.
C7. Contact Addresses & Telephone Numbers
TUSLA – Child and Family Agency
Kerry Dedicated Contact Point
Co. Kerry
Killarney Garda Station,
37 New road
Co. Kerry
064 6671160